Due to inclement weather, NHO will be wrapping up treatment and appointments with patients who are here and closing for the day. If you have an appointment today (March 19) and have not had someone contact you to reschedule, please call us at 402-484-4900. Stay safe, everyone!

“Because dealing with a serious health issue is never easy, we’re here to help ease your stress and provide the most comprehensive support now including specialized pharmacy services, making it more convenient and cost-effective for you to access your medications alongside your current care.”

Nebraska Hematology-Oncology, PC offers specialized oncology pharmacy services to make obtaining medications easier, safer and more convenient for our patients at NHO. By providing an on-site pharmacy, NHO can dispense oral chemotherapy medications that may not be possible to fill at community pharmacies. We give our patients the flexibility of taking their cancer medications at home from NHO when they are already on-site for appointments.

The NHO Pharmacy team has over 14 years of combined oncology pharmacy experience. We are proud to offer our patients these benefits:  

Prevent significant waste.  With the ability to fill a prescription on the same day as an office visit at NHO, we are able to adjust medication doses without treatment delays. In addition, we strive to obtain financial assistance to help reduce costs to our patients whenever possible. 

Expedited and precise delivery to the patient. We are frequently able to dispense oral chemotherapy medications within 1-3 days versus the 5-10 days typical of mail-order specialty pharmacies. We work closely with patients to coordinate prescription pick-ups with office and lab visits to prevent additional trips to NHO. 

Enhance adherence, outcomes, and patient experience. 

With immediate access to NHO providers and nurses, we are able to obtain essential information to expedite and clarify any concerns or issues that arise (including prior authorization, financial assistance, drug interactions, side effects, missed doses, etc.)

We have access to patients’ up-to-date medication lists which allows us to accurately screen for drug-drug interactions which are prevalent with oral chemotherapy medications. We provide close follow up for our patients and confirm accurate administration, appropriate handling, compliance, and screen for new medications and adverse events during follow-up phone calls.

We also provide face-to-face counseling for patients at the time of prescription pick up and review appropriate administration, dosing, drug interactions (when applicable), side effects, and drug handling/disposal as well as review appropriate use of supportive/preventative medications as prescribed.

HIPAA Privacy Practices


Do you accept my prescription benefits coverage?

In most cases, YES. We are able to process prescription claims with most major insurance plans including Medicare Parts B and D. If your plan requires you to use a selective pharmacy, we can help you determine your options for getting your prescriptions filled.  

How long will it take to receive my medication?

We will fill your prescription as quickly as possible following the verification of prescription benefits coverage and alternative co-payment assistance resources. Often your prescription may be available immediately. If not, we will call you to arrange a time for you to pick up your prescription and counseling as soon as possible. 

Will it cost me more to fill my prescription here than at a retail pharmacy?

No. In fact, it may cost you less to fill your prescription at our practice. Retail pharmacies often require immediate payment and sometimes are not able to verify all coverage options before dispensing. Since we are able to help you determine any additional co-pay assistance or other financial options available to you it’s likely you could save money. 

Why are you offering an onsite pharmacy?

Providing you with the most convenient, comprehensive, and cost-effective treatment are our priorities.  Oral chemotherapy medications require a level of specialization unique to your treatment. An on-site pharmacy helps ensure that you get started with your treatment as soon as possible and allows us to follow your treatment more closely. It also allows us to more effectively monitor your side effects and ensure your medications are working as they should be. 

Do I have to fill my prescription at your office?

No. You are welcome to fill your prescription at any pharmacy that accepts your insurance and meets special handling requirement for your oncology drugs. We simply offer this service as a convenience and total care option for you. If you decide to fill your prescription at another pharmacy, your decision will in no way affect the medical care you receive from our healthcare professionals.

When can I start using this service?

Talk to your doctor or clinical staff for details. Just make sure you have provided your prescription benefit card to the front desk for our files. We’ll do the rest, and be there with you every step of the way. 

How do I transfer a prescription to another pharmacy?

Simply call us and provide the name of the medication along with the name and phone number of the pharmacy where the prescription is to be transferred. We will contact the pharmacy where your prescription is to be transferred and provide the information needed to fill your prescription.  

How do I obtain medications not available at the pharmacy?

We will help you obtain medications not available at our pharmacy. We may transfer your prescription to another pharmacy that has the medication prescribed and provide the information needed to fill your prescription. 

How to you handle medication recalls?

Upon receiving notification of a product recall, Nebraska Hematology Oncology PC Pharmacy will take the following steps:

  • Review inventory and records for the disposition of the recalled item.
  • Contact the patient/caregiver by telephone to arrange for the exchange of products. Notification methods that may be used include:
    • Phone call or certified letter
    • Contacting your emergency contact friend or relative
    • Contacting your physician’s office
      • Remove the item(s) from service.
      • Follow the steps recommended by the manufacturer, documenting the actions taken with the date completed and the signature of the person completing the process.

Therapeutic Equivalence and Generic Substitution

The FDA classifies products as therapeutically equivalent if they are approved as safe and effective, are pharmaceutical equivalents (containing identical amounts of the same active drug ingredient in the same dosage form and route of administration), and meet applicable standards of strength, quality, purity, and identity. These products are bioequivalent, meaning they either do not present a known or potential bioequivalence problem or meet an acceptable bioequivalence standard. They are also adequately labeled and manufactured in compliance with current Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) regulations.

Products that meet these criteria are considered therapeutically equivalent, even if they differ in characteristics such as shape, scoring configuration, release mechanisms, packaging, excipients (including colorings, flavorings, and preservatives), expiration date/time, minor labeling aspects (e.g., specific pharmacokinetic information), and storage conditions.

The FDA acknowledges that in certain cases, these differences may be important for patient care. Therefore, it may be appropriate for a prescribing physician to specify a particular brand ("dispense as written") as a medical necessity ("brand medically necessary"). However, generally, the FDA believes that therapeutically equivalent products can be substituted with the expectation of the same clinical effect and safety profile as the prescribed product.

Nebraska Hematology Oncology PC Pharmacy may substitute a generic drug for a prescribed drug unless the prescriber specifies “Dispense as written.” If there are questions regarding therapeutic equivalence, we will contact the drug manufacturer and/or consult the FDA Orange Book.

Patient Bill of Rights and Responsibilities 

We believe that all patients receiving services from Nebraska Hematology Oncology PC Pharmacy should be informed of their rights. Therefore, you are entitled to:  

  • Be fully informed in advance about care/service to be provided and any limitations to those services.  
  • Be informed, in advance of service, of their financial responsibility.   
  • Participate in the development and periodic revision of the plan of care/service.   
  • Refuse care or treatment.   
  • Formulate an Advanced Directive, if applicable and the provision of information concerning Advance Directives; if required by law, rule, or regulation.  
  • Be treated with respect, consideration, dignity, and individuality and receive appropriate care without discrimination.   
  • Identify visiting personnel.   
  • Receive care/service that is free from mistreatment, neglect, or verbal, mental, sexual, and physical abuse, and misappropriation of patient property.   
  • Voice grievances/complaints without fear of reprisal and have them properly investigated.  
  • Confidentiality and privacy of all patient information.   
  • Choose a provider, if applicable.   
  • Be informed of their responsibilities.  

    Patient Responsibilities  
  • Patient submits forms that are necessary to receive services.  
  • Patient provides accurate medical and contact information and any changes.  
  • Patient notifies the treating provider of participation in the services provided by the pharmacy.  
  • Patient notifies the pharmacy of any concerns about the care or services provided.  
    When the patient is unable to make medical or other decisions, the family should be consulted for direction.